Personal Education Philosophy Statement

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I was born in Boston but raised in numerous suburbs around it, causing me to bounce between both private and public schools a bit. This allowed me to see a variety of teaching styles and a few different mission statements at work. Between this and being raised by a single mother, who had a passion for questioning the status quo; I was able to start critiquing the education system at a relatively young age. Relatable yet animated teachers, less standardized testing, and emphasis on an individual’s potential in changing the world were all successful things I noticed. And without a doubt, each of those traits are things that I believe will influence my own personal education philosophy. The purpose of education is to develop a student’s abilities allowing them to control their own future. My personal goal for my future classroom, therefore, is to help my students realize their potential through constructive challenges. I also hope for them to recognize universal truths through classic literature that has stood the test of time, as I believe that perennialism will best…show more content…
I hope for each of my students to realize their own preferences as well as their strengths concerning not only academic interests, but also future endeavors. I hope that as they develop their personal identities in my class, that they will take on a more active role during discussions. I plan to use relatively directed discussions at the start of the year, but by the end I expect them to primarily lead it among themselves. Especially as I plan to teach English, I won’t just inform the students as to what the text means, but rather have them push themselves and use their previous knowledge to determine that themselves. I hope to achieve this development of personal motivation by encouraging them and motivating them throughout the year. And a series of earned successes will undoubtedly have that

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