Persian Empire Research Paper

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The Persian civilization was founded around 1000 B.C. in today’s Iran by Indo-Europeans migrating into the land, and it relied on tolerance, diplomacy, and a strong military to back up their policies. It is acknowledged by allowing the Jews to enter their homeland again, and for their intellectual institutions and military weapons used in battle. To be a civilization, like the Persian Empire, it has to have the five attributes of a civilization, which are advanced technology, specialized workers, complex institutions, advanced cities, and record keeping. The Persian Empire is an advanced civilization because it has all of the major attributes of civilizations that reinforce its quality of organization. The Persian Empire has the attribute…show more content…
The Great Darius specified in administration, and his best accomplishment in this area was dividing the empire into twenty provinces that allowed citizens to have freedom but still governed by the king. Darius made the provinces to ensure that the citizens didn’t become too powerful, and the citizens provided land to feudal lords in exchange for loyalty and guarantees of soldiers for the Persian army. Another institution the domain had was political order, and this was accomplished by through tolerance, good government, and the ability to have an unyielding army to ensure no one gets out of line. A vast portion to their political order was being able to conquer other nations ruthlessly, and ruling over the societies by making them abide by their laws and often pay taxes. An immense establishment to the empire was their religion that was based off Zoroaster’s teachings, which taught “that the earth is a battleground where a great struggle is fought between the spirit of good and spirit of evil” (World History Patterns of Interaction, 216). Their religion was based off of the Egyptian gods, but mainly the god Mazda, and that he will judge at the end of your life by whether you used your time for good or evil. These are just a few of the many institutions the Persian Empire offers to…show more content…
The Persian Empire’s population was 49.4 million people out of 112.4 million at the time in fifth century B.C., and the domain is known as the most populated empire ever. The population was made up of kings, noble, the advisors, craftsman, military men, merchants, and slaves; they all covered the kingdom’s twenty provinces. The empire also has a trading center at Susa where the Royal Road begins, which is where countries all around come and travel to trade their goods to other kingdoms. Some examples of advanced cities in the Persian Empire are Persepolis, the capital city, and Ecbatana, a beautiful city of Medes. Persepolis and Ecbatana are both cities that are very populated, and they both have some sort of trading center; Persepolis is near water, which brings more trade into Persia from countries a farther distance. The Persian Empire has both a trading center and a populated area, which meets the requirements of being an advanced
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