Peloponnesian War Research Paper

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Matt Nolan Global 10 Mr. Kohrt 17 November 2014 Research paper The Peloponnesian War showed that ancient Greece could not act as a unified country for an extended period of time. This war divided ancient Greece between the Delian League, which was led by Athens and the Peloponnesian League, led by Sparta. It ended with the near destruction of the center of ancient Greek trade. Although the Peloponnesian war took place from 431 B.C. to 404 B.C, It can be broken up into three sections. The Archidamian War was the first ten years of the war, from 431 to 421. The Sicilian Expedition was the next major part of the war, from 415 to 413 B.C. The last section of the war is known as the Ionian War, and lasted from 413 to 404. The causes of the…show more content…
However, Athens did not want to end its involvement, and instead formed the Delian League to continue an attack on the Persians. The Delian League was successful, however Athens slowly gained power. Other states in the Delian League no longer had a vote in league meetings, and all revolts were crushed mercilessly (45). By 440 B.C. there were over 200 allied city-states in the Delian League (Kirby). Sparta was beginning to recognize Athens and the Delian League were a real threat, and tensions were high between Athens and Sparta. Sparta was also an oligarchy, and saw the democracy that Athens supported throughout its empire as a threat to the Spartan way of life. When Spartans asked for help crushing a helot revolt, the Athenian force was turned away, while all other armies were allowed to help (Wright 45). This pushed Athens over…show more content…
After the war, many allies of Sparta wished to completely destroy Athens (Colinson 34). However, Sparta did not wish to cause the destruction of a city that had played such a large part in the protection of Greece during the Persian Wars. Instead, Sparta tore down Athens walls, leaving it vulnerable to any Spartan attack. They also destroyed Athenian democracy that the installed 30 oligarchs. These men were so hated by Athens that they came to be known as the 30 tyrants, or sometimes just the 30. Athens was also overcrowded because the farmers could not move back to their lands, because the Spartan forces had burned their fields. This lead to a high unemployment rate, and many families struggled to support themselves. This war also weakened Greece as a whole. It ensured that the Greek city-states would not be able to unite again, which weakened them even further. This contributed greatly to Phillip II, king of Macedonia, conquering Greece. A divided, weakened Greece could not stand up to the military might of

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