Persian Empire Research Paper

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The Persian Empire, also known as the Achaemenid Empire (550BC-320BC) was considered the biggest empire that existed in the Middle Eastern history. There were many key factors that led to the rise and fall of the Persian Empire. The two key factors that led to the rise of the Persian Empire were the results of conquest and the vast systems of the administration. The one main key factor that led to the fall of the Persian Empire was the weakening and the defeat of the military. This paper will give information about how the Persian Empire rose and how the empire fell. Wars back in the ancient times mostly occurred because the cities required resources such as water and food, land for expanding the city, as well as more men in the army to keep them strong. The Persians were quite different from…show more content…
Cyrus II, also known as Cyrus The Great (598BC-529BC) was known as the first king that united the Persian Empire. When Cyrus The Great rose to power in 549BC, he first conquered the Medes. This was beneficial to the Persians mainly because this helped the Persians become a larger empire and also had more access to water since the Medes were settled next to the Caspian Sea. The conquest of Lydia in 547BC-546BC was also another event that contributed to the rise of the Persian Empire. Since the climate in Persia was very arid, they still needed more water. Since Lydia was located next to the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, this was a very good city to conquer for Persia. Lastly, the conquest of Babylon, Egypt, Syria, and many other cities, very much helped the Persian Empire rise. The Persians respected the cities and the people they had control over, but tributes were required from them and this helped the Persian Empire stay strong. Therefore, the conquest of the Media, Lydia, and other cities such as Babylon, Egypt, Syria had contributed to the rise of the Persian
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