Patriot Act Pros And Cons

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On September 11th, 2001, a series of horrible events happened in the United States. These events led to the Patriot Act of 2001. The Patriot Act of 2001 was created to protect the lives of U.S. citizens. There is a lot to the act, like the reasons it was created, the parts of the act, and success and failures of the act. The Patriot Act would go on to become the most controversial act of all-time. There are a countless number of people who do not think the Patriot Act of 2001 has made a difference in preventing an attack. The main reason for the Patriot Act was the events on September 11th, 2001. On September 11, 2001, at 8:45 a.m. on a clear Tuesday morning, an American Airlines Boeing 767 stacked with twenty-thousand gallons of plane fuel…show more content…
As the aftereffect of an examination that incorporated the utilization of data acquired through FISA, prosecutors could bring charges against these people. Six of the litigants have confessed, and three were indicted in March 2004 of charges, including scheme to demand war against the United States and trick to give material backing to the Taliban. These nine respondents got sentences running from a jail term of four years to life detainment, that was a success ( A failure includes immigration, which the act includes another controversial part. The Uniting and Fortifying America by Giving Fitting 6 Apparatuses Needed to Catch and Block Terrorism Demonstration of 2001 (USA Nationalist Act), marked into law on October 26, speaks to the U.S. government's essential administrations reaction to the terrorist assaults of September 11. Designed after a proposal created by the Bureau of Equity, this new Law (Upon Law No. 107-56) centers for the most part on strengthening the armory of instruments accessible to the Focal Sagacity Office, the Government Agency of Examination, and elected prosecutors for distinguishing and debilitating terrorist systems working both inside and outside the United States (Center for Immigration Studies). People mostly look at the negatives, instead of the

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