Patient Care Philosophy

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Philosophy - the science of the interaction between subject and object , and changes to the relationships between them as a result from this interaction. It is based on universal principles of ethics and morality. Patient care in imaging technologist care is a part of general philosophy and is a system of views on the relationships between imaging professional and patient, society and the environment. M.R.I. technologists should operate on the basis of principles: justice -do no harm, beauty-do good, truth -be able to cooperate and to be faithful to their job and the patient. Justice and defending justice is the primary key concept to providing a good quality care to patient, it may vary between cultures, social status or people’s beliefs and…show more content…
THE FORM OF GOOD !1 THE FORM OF GOOD The basic principle of the truth philosophy in patient care is respect for life, dignity and human rights. M.R.I. technologists should strive to do their job professionally, respecting and protecting the dignity of the patient's autonomy. In Plato’s theory, he says: “Truth is the beginning of every good to the gods, and of every good to man”. Truthfulness and confidentiality is a most common struggle, when imaging professionals have to consider to tell the truth to the patient and in what situation must keep it confidential. Information about the prognosis of the disease may act as a source of harm. In this case, the damage can be caused through withholding information, and its true information. On the one side, deceiving anyone, will cause him harm and detract from his dignity. On the other side, a person with incorrect information may cause harm to himself and others. In addition, truthful information without the emotional state of the patient, can also bring him harm,…show more content…
With the laps of time, health care ethics, values and quality of human rights are going trough changes, but in accordance with all of the discussions listed above, for the imaging professional, it becomes a professional duty to follow of: “do no harm “, “do good “,“ be truthful “ and other ethical principles and standards. For imaging professional is so important to put in all possible energy and effort to create to the patient physically and mentally comfortable, secure and respectful atmosphere regardless of their wealth, social status, age , ethnicity, religion and belief. The government promise health care to people regardless of their gender, race, nationality, language, social origin , employment status, place of residence , attitude to religion, convictions, membership of public associations , as well as other circumstances. At this moment, I unfortunately am more and more convinced of this- that health care system can’t be considered fair, if it doesn’t provide affordable and quality health care to all of the people who need it.

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