Patient Blood Management Case Study

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Treatment cost for transfused patients are significantly higher than for non transfused patients. In addition, mortality and infection rate are increased by 7 fold and 9 fold respectively in transfused patients 21. Concept of patient blood management consists of timely application of a multi-disciplinary, evidence-based medicine. It helps to reduce or even avoid blood transfusions by optimising the patient's blood volume and minimising blood loss 22. Several studies have shown that ROTEM-based POC testing results in significant reduction in blood transfusion and consequently proper blood conservation and cost cuttings 23-29 Large observational studies done by Stokes, M.E., et al (2007) 31 demonstrated that the prevention of bleeding…show more content…
Early understanding of the nature of the coagulopathy is a key component in control of haemorrhage in trauma patient. This includes the detection of hyperfibrinolysis which is practically impossible with laboratory tests in a timely manner. Hence early detection of hyperfibrinolysis with ROTEM and subsequent treatment with antifibrinolytic drugs may be beneficial and cost effective. A prospective observational study of Levrat A et al.(2008), using ROTEM on 87 severely injured trauma patients showed rapid and accurate detection of…show more content…
ROTEM helps rapid and accurate detection of hyperfibrinolysis in severely injured trauma patients7. Prospective observational study on 87 trauma patients by Levrat A et al .concluded that ''ROTEM parameters correlated well with the chosen reference method Euglobulin clot lysis test( ELT). …” ELT is not a feasible test for the diagnosis of hyperfibrinolysis in bleeding patients, it is a complex and time consuming procedure and takes more than 180 minutes. Rapid and accurate detection of hyperfibrinolysis with ROTEM guides antifibrinolytic therapy in severely injured trauma patients 40 Compared to point of care testing, conventional laboratory-based tests of coagulation have a limited role, especially in the early management of acute haemorrhage. ROTEM provides real time monitoring of viscoelastic properties of clot formation and fibrinolysisi in whole blood . It also separates the effect of platelets and fibrinogen on overall clot strength. Incorporation of TEG/ROTEM analysis for diagnostic and treatment strategies are likely to reduce transfusion requirements and an improvement in clinical

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