Passion For Sleep Psychology

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My passion is sleep, sleep is one of my biggest passions. It gives me a chance to recover and it gives me energy. If all the jobs in the world dissipated, except those that were associated with psychology, I would be a sleep psychology. A sleep psychologist makes about $60,000-$80,000 per year, starting off in a sleep clinic. A sleep psychologists typically specialize in diagnosing and treating the presence of sleep disorders that are caused by underlying behavioral or psychological problems (Best Psychology Degrees, 2015). Some of the things that a sleep psychologist is responsible for is diagnosing sleep disorders, e.g. sleep apnea and insomnia. The division of the APA (American Psychological Association). Other Topic of psychology that might…show more content…
Traumas don’t always have to be physical, it can be emotional. I have PTSD, and it affects me in different ways, one way being my sleep. PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) which is caused by a pro-longed exposer to an unhealthy environment, e.g. a war zone or a meth house. I grew-up in a meth house for a few years. The end result of this mentally, as I grew older, I realize what was happening around me at that time. For a long time I saw various psychologist, and psychiatrist because I would wake up in fear, and I wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep. Eventually, it got so bad that I wouldn’t even go to sleep, because I felt like it was a waste of my…show more content…
Our dreams are affect by sound, smells, state of mind and so many other things. A sleep psychologist may help you interpret what a dream may mean. A couple of examples of how a sleep psychologist may help you interpret your dreams. One example is of the ball. A sleep psychologist may say that is means “a very satisfactory omen” (BallDream, 2015). Another example is the wedding dream. The wedding dream could me that you want to attend a wedding (Wedding , 2015). A few other dreams that a sleep psychologist may help you interpret. A sleep psychologist may say that if you are dreaming of abusing people, you may feel like you are being abused. Dreams about family could mean that you are happy with the way things are
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