Madame Caillaux And Eugenia Ginzburg: The Role Of Women

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The degree to which a woman in history’s experience was shaped by her gender varied based on the time, society, and events of interest. Madame Caillaux and Eugenia Ginzburg were both women from a similar era, but the fact that they were women had different levels of influence on their experiences. The events of Eugenia Ginzburg’s experience did not occur just because she was a woman as an even greater number of men faced similar or worse stuggles during the Great Terror. Ginzburg’s experience was certainly affected; however, in the case of Madame Caillaux, the fact that she was a woman was of utmost importance. The fact that Eugenia Ginzburg (henceforth Ginzburg) was a woman was not nearly as influential as it was in the case of Madame Caillaux (henceforth Caillaux). Considering Ginzburg’s ordeal was not the direct result the victimization of women. In fact, men were the majority target of the “purge.” Soviet census analysis from historian Robert Conquest revealed that in 1959 there was a massive disparity in the population between men in woman, and this trend increased with age. Soviets aged 25-29 were split in the expected women-men proportion of 51 to 49 percent, but at ages 30-34 this…show more content…
The trend of increased disparity continued consistently up to those aged 70 and older where the proportion was 69 to 32 percent. These disparities are a direct result of the purge. Men were the primary target, so it was not imperative that Ginzburg was a woman.

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