Painted Memories Essay

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Marianthe’s Story: Painted Words, Spoken Memories, by Aliki Brandenberg, produced a strong emotional reaction by reflecting on both the past and future. This is a two-part children’s genre book, published in 1998. It is a required reading book for the Westminster College, English Language Learners class, in order to study the understanding of different learning levels. The first part of the book, Painted Words, is about how a young girl, Marian the, and her family move form Greece to a new country, America. Marianthe is afraid to start school and she is nervous that no one may be able to understand her language. Her mother assures her that her eyes and smile are a language that anyone will understand. Also, her mother advised her to look,…show more content…
I felt a real life connection with Marianthe as she would just look and listen to her school classmates. During my elementary school years, communication and social situations were very challenging aspects for me. Many times during free time I would find myself drawing or doodling. I would not use this as a way of communicating, but rather as a way of relief or escape. I knew exactly how Marianthe felt when the children would tease her and make her feel lonely as they paired up in groups. All too many times I would react like Marianthe by just looking and learning. In addition, my mother would remind me to keep on smiling and show the sparkle in my eyes. The story brought back many childhood memories; some good and some sad. The strong emotional reaction of the present for me related to the book similar to Marainthe’s feelings of nervousness, anxious feelings of starting a new school, meeting new classmates, teachers, and a new environment. As I packed up and moved into my dormitory this fall at Westminster College I realized I was all alone and on my own starting everything new. The feeling was frightening and overwhelming for the first few months. Even though this new adventure was not far from home, to me, it was like being in a new country with many new things to learn, places to see, and people to meet. But regardless of

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