George Orwell 1984 Women Essay

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In the novel 1984 by George Orwell, prejudice against women is a reoccurring theme. The main protagonist, Winston Smith, is highly against the female sex. This is problematic because it reflects more than Winston’s personal views; it reflects the views of the world at the time. When the book was published in 1949, women were very obviously second class citizens. They were expected to stay at home and raise children and had far fewer opportunities than their male counterparts. At the time 1984 was published, Orwell’s view on the female sex was accepted and could even be considered post-modern. Today, however, one can see that Julia and the other prominent women in 1984, including Winston’s wife Katherine and his mother, were characterized through objectification, sexism, oppression, control, and general misogyny, mostly on the part of Winston. Though this treatment of women may have been common in the time the book was written, it is simply unacceptable by today’s standards. Orwell presents many problematic ideas about women, including objectification. In chapter…show more content…
The society does plenty of oppressing for him, but he takes part in it. You know who would never oppress someone? Sayid. Sayid is a bundle of joy and if anyone ever says anything negative about him at all I will cut their ears off. This is a no hate zone. You people have got to learn to identify the best character from the start and stick with him. I mean, sure. Jack’s the main character, but really everyone only cares about our favorite Iraqi torturer and the unlucky lottery winner Hurley. I mean, What’s up with that? John Locke’s pretty cool, but he went off the deep end. Like, he went way off the reservation. From season one, episode one, John Locke was a lost cause, which is a little sad because his character had so much potential. I still kind of enjoy his flashbacks though. His dad was literally

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