Pablo Picasso Research Paper

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“Guernica” Pablo Picasso vs. “The Persistent of Memory” Salvador Dali. “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life”, said Picasso (Biography). To understand, and emphasized Picasso words, it is precise to consider that Spain and the world were divided, political unstable, concern and more engaged by the division of power as by seeking for peace. Spain suffers under Franco’s regime as a dictator, follow by the Spain Civil War, 1936-1939, and the World War II, 1939-1945(Don Quijote). At the same time, inside the chaos, Europe and the rest of the world were contemplating the genesis of Pablo Picasso’s and Salvador Dali’s Art. The two painters who revolutionized the world of art, of the 20th century (Orange County Museum of Art) This essay will compare, and contrast “Guernica” from Picasso, and Salvador Dali’s “The Persistence of Memory”. The two paintings are similar in their relevance, but differ in message, size, and color. To begin with, Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain, October 25th, 1881(Biography/Online). He was a painter, a sculptor, and a ceramist. Furthermore, the co-founder of Cubism along with George Braque. (Britannica Encyclopedia). He came…show more content…
Indeed, “Guernica” is a very large painting which measures 3.5m in height and 7.8m in width (Spanish Masterworks) On the other hand, Dali’s masterpiece is smaller as you expected. The Persistence of Memory is only 24cm by 33 cm (MoMA) “The Persistence of Memory” one may well see this masterwork on floor 5, Gallery 10 in “The Museum of Modern Art” in New York (MoMA). To see the authentic “Guernica” one need to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Picasso’ painting is today exposed to the public in “El Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia”, in Madrid (Spanish-Art). Nowadays, the Picasso’s painting has an immeasurable value, at one time "Guernica" unofficial value were set at $40 million of insurance reasons (The New York

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