Veiled Intentions Summary

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Social worker and Muslim, Maysan Haydar in her article, Veiled Intentions, published on June 18, 2010 addresses the topic of veils worn by Muslim women and argues that the veil is a positive choice for many Muslim women because it can help minimize objectification, promote healthy relationships between men and women, and encourage different types of freedom. While anthropologist, Lila Abu-Lughod in her passage, The Muslim Woman: The Power of Images and the Danger of Pity, published in 2002 addresses the veil as well, and argues that it is the Muslim women’s choice to veil. Haydar supports her claim by providing multiple personal experiences such as her true reasoning behind veiling, adding quotes about the Quran that give an insight to her…show more content…
Abu-Lughod exemplifies her claim through facts, statistics, personal experience and evidence from other sources beside herself. Abu-Lughod portrays her fair share of ethos within her article. Abu-Lughod provides the reader with a different type of understanding to the topic. In the beginning of the story she writes, “I certainly feel uncomfortable with my collection of media images because my twenty-five years of experience doing research in the Middle East, especially Egypt has taught me that…”(Lughod). This background information can intrigue the audience on what she has to say and show just how credible she is, but on the other side, she also is not someone who personally veils, which can also downgrade her credibility towards the subject. She provides her audience of educated Americans, Europeans, and feminists with a strong informative tone. The genre of this piece is not only argumentative, but it is also taking a very intellectual and more formal approach. This makes it a strong argument because the structure of the piece is very formal, more factual and consists more logos than any other strategy. One of the main strengths in her article is when she uses the word “we,” because it immediately is saying that she view all women as the same, while Haydar however, distinguishes herself from her audience and everyone else by saying “us” rather than “we”. A weakness in Abu-lughod’s argument is that her article is quite informative, making it hard to understand, so you find her using the rhetorical strategy definition to tell her audience what she is saying, although it is already obvious as to what her point is and uses a tone that belittles the definition, which seems very

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