Overcoming Drug Addiction

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Drug addiction is a very hard thing to overcome. One of the hardest parts in overcoming drug addiction is actually deciding to make a change. There are several steps to recovering from drug addiction. Many places are available for drug abusers to go to find treatment. Sometimes the drug abuser is not the one that starts the process of them seeking the help they need. There are many contributing factors to what happens during the journey of a drug abusers life. There are many steps to recovering from drug addiction. According to Melinda Smith, the very first step is making the change. One of the hardest parts in overcoming drug addiction is making the change; this step is so hard that many do not get to or get past this step. The drug abuser…show more content…
Many addicts have to reach a low point before they will accept that their drug use is a serious problem in their life"(“Admitting”), Once they accept that they have a problem, they can begin to overcome this problem. The main argument in overcoming drug addiction is deciding to make a change. It's normal to feel conflicted about giving up drugs. When someone is thinking about that change, it helps to keep track of the drug use, and listing the pros and cons of quitting will also help. Consider the things that are important. Asking someone trustworthy about their feelings about drug use, and the drug abuser asking themselves if there's anything preventing them from changing helps them accept the problem. The drug abusers can ask themselves questions to see if they are, in fact, drug abusers. Some questions could be: Does my drug cause a difference in exercising or eating a healthy diet? Do other people around me drink or do drugs more or less? Has my drug use caused me to miss school, work or other obligations? Do I sometimes do more than I had planned? Are…show more content…
One of the main characters started doing and dealing drugs at a young age. His brother, who also did drugs, had always told him not to get into ‘the mess of it.’ When his brother found out that Wes had gotten into the drug business, he said, “How many times do I have to tell you to leave this stuff alone, man?” (Moore 74). Wes’s brother beat him up after they started fighting. Their mom broke up the fight and believed Wes when he told her he wasn’t in the drug business. Later, his mother, Mary, found some of his drugs and disposed of them. When she threw his drugs out, she said, “Not only did you lie to me, but you were selling drugs and keeping them in my house! Putting all of us in danger because of your stupidity. I don’t want to ever see it in here again” (Moore 74). While this did not completely end his drug use for his life, it did make him get out of drugs for a little while. Wes’s family and friends had a major impact on his drug abuse. When he hit rock bottom he tried to seek help from friends that had gotten out of the drug business. Learning from the experiences of others has proven to help in similar

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