Ottoman Empire Longevity

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Longevity of the Ottoman Empire The historic schism that occurred between the Byzantine Empire and Western Europe facilitated the emergence of the Ottoman state, but their success and longevity relied more heavily on their highly centralized and efficient administration rather than circumstances around them. The Ottoman state was born in the middle of two decaying powers: the Sultanate of Rum and the Byzantine Empire. The first was disintegrated into small Turkish states. The latter had been internally decaying by a succession of weak rulers who relied increasingly on mercenaries. In contrast, the Ottoman's impressive military exploits expanded their territory but more importantly the efficient administration and policies were the determining factors in their longevity. The Ottomans established an empire that spanned three continents at its height and prospered for 628 years. Through their reign they created a strong military by forming the order of Janissaries, an infantry of Christian converts and slaves, to consolidate their empire. After each military conquest, "4/5th of the spoils went to the soldiers" to secure their loyalty (Ochsenwald). In addition, power was centralized and was transferred usually based on capabilities…show more content…
Perhaps the name “Gunpowder Empire” stems from their use of newly developed firearms to create their vast territory. This characterization ignores the fact that the Ottoman Empire was a center of impressive cultural achievements. During the reign of Sultan Suleiman and Sultan Selim, art and architecture reached a new height. The cultural and religious integration in the Ottoman society provided grounds for other arts, such as poetry and literature to flourish as well. Emphasis and value for education and knowledge also paved the way for historians to pen valuable
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