Oscar Wao

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Analysis Of Oscar Wao and How To Date A Brown Girl As I was coming across lots of wonderful ideas on what to write for my final paper, I knew, that when I was reading the Text on, "How To Date A Brown Girl", by Junot Diaz, I was really intrigued on how the author portrayed Yunior, and the type of advice that was given to Yunior on dating girls. When I was gathering my ideas on how I will write my final paper, I thought to myself what other texts, that I read so far in this course that I can analyze also in this similar perspective. I decided that I've read " The Brief Wondrous life Of Oscar Wao ", by Junot Diaz also, and how Oscar dealt with his women troubles he had and, also the advice that was given to him by his sister on how to not just…show more content…
The scenarios that were told to Yunior were more like stereotypes of different races of girls, then a straight analysis of just girls in a plain form. The text portrayed many different types of stereotypes to specific girls, and what will exactly happen, without even the date happening in the beginning yet. The different stereotypes portrayed were towards the white girls, the local girls and, the halfies that Yunior encountered. In the story of "Oscar Wao", Oscar was this young guy, who was into nerdy things and was fat, and everyone told him unless he loses weight an change his hobbies, he will never get to have a girlfriend, and have a date in his life. The narrator says, "Had none of the higher powers of your typical Dominican male, couldn't have pulled a girl if his life depended on it. Couldn't play sports for shit, or dominoes, was beyond…show more content…
Yunior was told that with specific girls, he won't get anywhere with because, of his lower class. Yunior was told that he had to hide the cheese, so that some of the girls from other areas, when seeing him, won't think, negatively of him. I think Yunior didn't appreciate being told, to hide the government cheese because as we see in the text clearly, he was trying really hard to be himself but, the narrator told him being himself won't get him anywhere with the ladies, because at the end of the day, he is trying to impress them and, not make them run away. The speaker had different analogies of different types of girls, the speaker called the out-of-towners girls "Are the ones that grew up with ballet and girl scouts and have three cars in their driveway".(CR, pg 83). The narrator from this point was trying to say, that because of the location of where Yunior lives, he will have a harder time getting with these girls and, he will need to change his act and, hide everything that seem low class away from their eye of view. The speaker also advised to Yunior, which type of restaurants, he should take each specific girl, if she a out-of-towner, take her to this specific restaurant, and if she is from the neighborhood, he won't have to impress her much and, can just take her to Wendy's. The narrator gave Yunior, step by step instructions on how the date will
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