Beveridge Report Advantages

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In order to overcome the "five evil giants" stated in the Beveridge Report (poverty, disease, ignorance, squalor and idleness), a welfare state was formed by the Attlee government (1945-1951) consisting of five main ideas: council housing, Social Security, National Health Service (NHS), free education and full employment. To this day these are still the key pillars on which the welfare state stands as all aspects remain key social and political issues still being faced in the 21st century. In the awakening of the 2015 general election Ed Miliband has “pledged to draw inspiration from Attlee if Labour wins the election.” Former Prime Minister Tony Blair said that today’s version of the welfare state is not "how Attlee or Beveridge intended things to be”…show more content…
In fact one of the key battlegrounds on which next year’s general election will be fought is the availability and affordability of housing. Today it is estimated that 185,000 people are affected by homelessness every year, a figure that is worryingly on the rise. To tackle the significant shortage of houses in Britain after the war, several legislations were put forward by the Attlee government including the Town and Country Planning Act (1947) which set a target of building 300,000 new houses a year. However the post war British government struggled with this plan due to all the war debt they had collected. Similarly, the credit crunch of 2008 also saw Britain’s debt being a direct correlation to housing problems in the UK. The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors said a chronic shortage of homes for sale means some owners are unwilling to move for fear of not finding a new place, further restricting supply even though there is plenty of demand. This climate will lead to an increase in the value of UK property of 35 per cent by

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