Osama Bin Laden Bibliography

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Death of Osama bin Laden: Effect on Al-Qaeda Student’s Name University Affiliation Death of Osama bin Laden: Effect on Al-Qaeda Al-Qaeda, a terrorist association, gloats of a globe-traversing combination with establishments far and wide. Tragically, the association was managed a blow when their establishing father, Osama container Laden, was slaughtered in an operation by U.S. commandos in the military army city of Abbottabad, Pakistan. Despite the fact that the passing of Osama was a setback to Al-Qaeda, the gathering is still delegated a "Remote Terrorist Organization" by the U.S. State Department, "Restricted Group" by the UK Home Office, and "Terrorist Group" by the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy. The murdering of the man who was accused of running the association for a long time had an impact on its administration and picture (Lüsted, 2012).…show more content…
In fact, as the pioneer of Al-Qaeda, Osama pronounced war on the US and its partners. He sorted out and facilitated the assault of the USS Cole in the 1990s, US international safe havens in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, 9/11 assaults, and different assaults in Bali, Madrid and London. The murdering of Bin Laden, subsequently, had typical and enlightening implications on the gathering. The executing of his agents, Atiyah al-Rahman, whom he depended on to arrange and execute the terrorist demonstrations, managed a further blow. The association keeps on suffering from the loss of their top pioneers. The association has not succeeded to locate a suitable supplanting with enough allure, for example, Osama Bin Laden. Osama's identity had the capacity pull in young fellows from the Arabic, West and South Asia districts (Landau,

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