Renaissance And Reformation: The Renaissance Era And The Catholic Church

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1 THE RENAISSANCE Lessons during this course of World History included information about ancient countries of the past. Now engaging information about the Renaissance Era and the Catholic Church has come together in clarity of times past and how some things have not changed much today. Who does the Bible say has the authority over creation and the Ten Commandments, God or man? Is not God the Supreme Judge and only authority in position to forgive a person for his or sins? In the world, there is usually the question of what is right or wrong, God's law or man's law. This essay will shed light on how the era of "Renaissance and Reformation" caused much division and discord. Some might say that the church suffered because of all the disagreements,…show more content…
The Renaissance thinkers and philosophers seemed to consider themselves more than a step above those of the Middle Age Era. Italian philosopher, Marcillio Ficino sums it up best with, "If we are to call any age golden, it is beyond doubt that age brings forth golden talents in different places. For this century, like a golden age, has restored to light the liberal arts, which were almost extinct." The development and expansion of literary element and different philosophies throughout the universities was during the medieval era. Therefore, it is said that "the Renaissance owes much gratitude, and at the same time, Renaissance scholars differed from medieval scholastics." In terms of education and the arts today, it seems to be much less emphasis on the real importance of it compared to the Renaissance era. The grandeur of that era has been lost. There were four layers to the Renaissance: "Secular- more interest in knowledge than spiritual or religious matters; Lay-Focused-monks and clerics did most of the philosophical and scientific; Broader Interest- There was more interest in the scholars of the medieval period in which the subjects of theology, law, and others, seemed to provide a more secular interest to business or navigation and exploration; Better Technical Skills-developed better learning skills by reading and translating ancient texts." Then there is Humanism…show more content…
The only human to have walked this earth and have the keys to heaven and hell is Jesus Christ. It is believed the "keys" metaphorically used to describe the Scriptures taught by Jesus to Peter and the other disciples, so they would be enabled to lead others to Him (Matt. 16:1). There is absolutely anyone who can ever forgive the sins of men but God. As Jesus hung on the cross at Mt. Calvary, through pain and sorrow Jesus calls out to God, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:24). History of the Reformation reveals at least three important men who stood up against Catholic rule. John Wycliffe, Jon Huss, and Martin Luther led the way for spiritual freedom for all Protestants. Wycliffe believed that poverty should been the adornment of the Pope and not extravagant riches, also that the Pope should not be a political leader. Wycliffe became more radical once the "Great Schism" happened. Wycliffe's teachings which included the abuses of the church, were used by Huss as he continued the fight of religious freedom. Martin Luther extended this fight with his 95 theses which eventually led others to follow his teachings and churches were organized by Protestants. Throughout history there have been many persecutions over Biblical beliefs and religion, fanned by the flames of political views, Yes, the question remains today. Who is God, friend or foe? God is the great creator of heaven and earth(Gen.1), and

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