How Did Middle Childhood That Influence Brian Warner's Behavior

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Marilyn Manson is known as one of the most controversial rock stars. His off stage name is Brian Warner and was born on January 5, 1969 in Canton, Ohio. Brian Warner chose the stage name of Marilyn Manson because it is a representation of beauty and death derived, from the popular actress Marilyn Monroe and the infamous murderer Charles Manson. During middle childhood, at the age of seven he was sexually abused for two years by a neighbor who were close friends with his parents. At the age of eleven, he discovered his grandfather’s sexual fetishism in the basement. Also, at the age of eleven Brian Warner transferred from public school to a private Christian school where he was brutally bullied by other classmates and sometimes his teachers. This is the time when he began to resent religion and social norms. The purpose of this case study is to determine the factors during middle childhood that influenced his behavior as an adolescent and musician.…show more content…
According to Joan & Greg Cook (2007), resilient children can be defined as, “Children who succeed, achieve, or otherwise have positive developmental outcomes despite growing up under negative conditions” (p. 385). Physical development has increasingly been studied when understanding the impact of sexual abuse on a child. Brian Warner’s sexual abuse and bullying predisposed him to increased vulnerability and possibly altered his brain development. An example would be the increase of a hormone known as cortisol; this regulates anxiety, and an increase of this hormone can damage memory processes and storage. MRI scans show this increase of Cortisol is a possible predictor of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Joan & Greg Cook, 2007, p.

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