Organic Farming: The Side Effects Of Organic Food

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plant fast. These remain in the farmers’ land and then when they plant again, those heavy metals will be absorbed by the plant because they suck water from the soil. Eating organic foods also avoids risks of having cancer because synthetic pesticides contains carcinogenic. The side effects from eating inorganic foods are obesity, heart disease, cancer, and reproductive, behavioral and hormonal disease. Some organic farmers are just concern about their health and the health of the consumers, that’s why they practice organic farming. Inorganic farming pollutes the water and the soil. By using chemical solutions, it penetrates the surface and ground water. This contaminated water are used by some people for drinking purposes which enters the body…show more content…
Organic farm production cost is generally lower because they don’t spend expensive pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, herbicides and other synthetic chemicals that inorganic farmers are using. However, labor cost is often greater on organic farming. Organic farming needs intensive labor and observation in the field. Labor cost in organic farming is 10%-20% higher than inorganic farming. However inorganic farmers have significantly higher debt loans than organic farmers. Organic farming have lower yields than inorganic farming but this is compensated by lower cost of production and higher price of organic…show more content…
Agriculture greatly depends on external factor such as climate, pest and disease. Furthermore most of small organic farmers are dependent on natural rain for water. Therefore, in cases of natural calamity, pest or disease outbreak, drought, or when there is crop failure, the small farmers practicing organic farming have to suffer less as their investment is low. There are problems in inorganic farming. They suffer more because their investment cost is high. They purchase expensive synthetic pesticides and other more synthetic chemicals. The demand for organic products nowadays is high as only few farms practice organic farming. The reason behind more farms is into inorganic farming is because they make money faster but sacrifices the health of the food producers and consuming public. Through this process, the risk of human health is getting higher. Production cost for organic foods are typically higher because of greater labor input per unit of output required. Post-harvest handling of relatively small quantities of organic foods results in higher costs because of the mandatory segregation of organic and conventional produce, especially for the processing and

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