Oppression In Brave New World

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Oppression Oppression is something we see in all societies. There are many different types of oppression, and many reasons why certain groups in society are oppressed. Noughts and Crosses, written by Malorie Blackman and A Time to Kill, directed by Joel Schumacher, show us that in a society with racial oppression, there will always be inequality and injustice. We can see the idea that oppression is used to take away individuality so power and control can be gained in Aldous Huxley’s book Brave New World and in George Orwell’s novel 1984. These texts teach us that oppression is what causes the major problems in many of the texts we read and watch, so why are we still unable to see the problems it causes in our own lives? In the texts Noughts…show more content…
Brave New World shows the reader that when everyone is subject to everyone else’s high standards, everyone is being oppressed. The reader is shown this idea in the amount of conformity in the society of the book. Henry Foster says “But, my dear chap, you’re welcome, I assure you. You’re welcome… Everyone belongs to everyone else after all.”. When Henry says this the reader sees the confinement in the book, and it shows that in the book, humans are subject to what everyone else wants from them, so they are never given the opportunity to be individual. When individuality is taken away, it is oppression of thought and action. When one is the property of someone else, there will always be oppression, as the act of being someone else’s property means there is inequality amongst people. It also allows someone, in this book, the Director, to take advantage of this by using the lack of individuality and freedom to gain their own power and control. However, this idea of everyone being everyone else’s property is an engaging twist, as it means that everyone is being oppressed, but at the same time, everyone is also being oppressive. Everyone is simultaneously taking away other’s freedom, by expecting them to mould themselves to the status quo, but also giving up their own freedom by conforming to society’s norms. Huxley is showing us how everyone can be oppressive just by expecting everyone else to fit the idea of being perfect. This is something that can be seen in all societies, as there is always some sort of guideline that people need to fit themselves to, and if that can be taken advantage of, power can be taken away from the people and given to the few individuals who don’t allow themselves to be oppressed. 1984 shows the reader that people that in an oppressive society, people are unable to be individual. When O’Brien says, “In
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