Satire In Brave New World

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Huxley introduces parallels between this new society he has created and our society now. When Huxley felt something strong towards what was happening in society, he would include a satirical element about it in Brave New World. Golda Meir, fourth Prime Minister of Israel, once said “One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present.” By that, she means that although the present has changed its ways because of the past, we always need to know the past so we can try to not make those same mistakes again. We must not try to hide our mistakes, instead embrace them and try to improve our society. In Brave New World, the World State has prevented people from knowing any part of the past so that no one would…show more content…
But over the years, it seems like our textbooks, containing supposed factual stories, have changed, or at least don’t contain the whole truth. Although we will still lecture over and over again about slavery, the oppression of blacks, and how horrible everything was back then, it seems like our textbooks are still sugar-coated. We love a hero that comes and saves everyone that’s in distress type of story. Never have I known that Abraham Lincoln wasn’t “pro-black” until my American history teacher told me last year. Never in my whole life have I known that Henry Ford, who is painted as this good guy that came up with the assembly line, was…show more content…
If someone starts having unpleasant thoughts, they take soma and all their worries will disappear as their mind turns into jelly. Their whole life, they are reminded of all the catchy rules and norms of the World State. This is why Lenina is confused when Bernard just wants to stay in the helicopter and look out to the sea and stars and why she is just flat out confused about why John is always thinking and referencing books. It seems like in our modern day society, everyone tries to take the easy way in everything they do because they don’t want to use their brains that much. Students nowadays always copy off each other because they don’t want to think for themselves. They do mindless work while at school everyday. Seneca, a philosopher, says “It is easier to exclude harmful passions than to rule them, and to deny them admittance than to control them after they have been admitted.” Seneca is saying that people either ask for permission and hope that they get it, or they ask for forgiveness after the act has been done. If you stop hate before it starts then hate never had a chance to beg for forgiveness. In Brave New World, John has to constantly ask for forgiveness because he feels like he has done something that is against his morals. And for that time while he is asking for forgiveness, he hates
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