One Day Research Paper

549 Words3 Pages
I start the day by being shaken away, as another Monday morning begins. I look around and see if everyone is awake. I see pencil is already awake, scissors is fast asleep, while glue is looking for his cap. I start to think of all the other in the packet with me at the store, my student has managed to lose all of us except for me by the fourth week of school. I hope not to be lost today, because once you get lost very rarely do you come back. I know that today I will be used a lot because the class has a very long homework paper that needs correcting. All I have to do is make blue circles or stars. I have a strand of hope that today will be a good day and everything will be great. I think about this and then I hear the blaring bell and the roar of voices begin.…show more content…
I know that all of us long for class to begin so the noise will stop. Surprisingly, pencil is not the only one taken out, I join him today on the outside this morning. Just as I think the noise is too much to bear, the teacher quiets the class and asks for the homework to be taken out. I always dread correcting with every ounce of my being. I do not mind hearing discussion on each question, and though I despise making the same few marking over and over the worst is definitely when he puts me in his mouth and chews my cap. Every time he does this I get a whiff of his odorous breath and feel the intense heat from his mouth. After a while the torture stops and I watch as I bleed the blue total score on the top of the assignment. I am picked up again but rather than being taken back into his mouth I am placed inside the pouch once again with the rest of my friends. The next few hours go by like a blur. The students then leave for lunch which is when we can finally be in peace, al least for a little

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