The Canterbury Tales Courtly Love

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The Canterbury Tales is written by Chaucer, and it is mainly about many travelers in a competition of who can tell the best story, in hopes to win a free dinner. The first story teller is a knight, and he tells a long winded tale, which combined certain aspects of medieval Europe and the ancient Greek culture into one. His story primarily focuses on the popular idea of courtly love, which affected many in this time. Courtly love was when a man desired a woman, and he would’ve been willing to do anything to attain her. Some probably saw it as an honor to strive for a woman and to desire her to the point of suffering, but it was more masochistic than chivalrous.They believed their love to be real, but it was the cause of suffering, and love should…show more content…
The only reason why they go through this uncomfortable torture is because of Love though, and they wouldn’t have to suffer if they weren’t infected by it. This disease causes them to become obsessed; the obsession causes them serious longing; the longing causes them pain, because they can’t have the love they want. True, normal, good love doesn’t make slaves and it’s not considered a bad thing; it’s considered an opportunity, not a punishment. The prisoner’s in Love’s grasp couldn’t even sleep properly because they are so infatuated with their feelings, and it started to physically affect them. It wasn’t just one poor soul that had to go through this too, Courtly love affected an innumerable amount so it basically had an army of people it enslaved. This isn’t the love we know today because holy scriptures like the Bible state that true love is patient, and kind. Unlike today’s love, this “love” is aggressive, cruel, and unhealthy, and Arcite willingly died because of it; he even had an opportunity to move on from Emily, but his obsession forced him to stay focused on only ascertaining her love. This “love” changed both Arcita and Palamon, and caused them to go from friends to foes. This “love” destroyed any of the little normalcy in their lives, and only caused destruction. This “love” wasn’t true love; it was a corrupt version of something that was almost
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