On The Verge: Play Analysis

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The play, On the Verge, was not only mysterious and intellectual, but comedic and light-hearted at the same time. During the play it was sometimes hard to understand what was being said because of the abnormally large and proper words that were used. Furthermore, since it was hard to understand the words, it was also hard to understand the goal of the production as a whole. A way that could be interpreted would be the play showing how times have changed drastically throughout the few years that the three woman travelled. Ways that the times changed were new advances in words with the usage of slang, different clothes worn by the women, and even different food. Each of these new advancements discovered by Mary, Fanny, and Alex made the unbeknownst…show more content…
The director had to make all their movements and actions work for frankly a very small stage. The actors seemed to use every inch of the stage to tell their story and the director made very good use of how the stage was built and what could be done in the space. For example, during the entire play the women never stood in the same spot for more than ten seconds, unless Mary was “osmosing”, they always were always moving about using action to back up their speech. Using such good actors to make the play well produced, the director and casting group chose amazing actors that portrayed their part superbly. Each played their part exceptionally well individually and yet as a whole their chemistry was close to flawless. Randy, who played Alphonse, Grover, The Yeti, The George Troll, Mr. Coffee, Madame Nhu (I assume), Gus, and Nicky Paradise, did a phenomenal job with each and every one of his characters. His versatility, an important requisite for good acting, really enabled him to do with all his roles. Randy brought a new life to the stage every time he and came out with his up-tempo behavior to keep up with the play. The play was fast paced at times like at the beginning with how quickly they “defeated” the yeti and just not staying in one place for long. They spoke fast and moved a lot and slightly gave the impress they were rushing a bit, however it did not take away or add to the

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