Omens In Julius Caesar

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I think a large theme of the play is each character’s public self, versus their private self. Some characters, such as Caesar, confuse their private selves with their public selves, and are unable to keep one separate from the other. I believe Brutus is better at separating his private life from his public than Caesar, but he still has troubles, and eventually, his refusing to involve his wife in his public affairs causes her to kill herself. Brutus, unlike most of the other characters, always puts the public needs above his personal ones, and always does what he believes is right. Brutus eventually puts aside his personal loyalties and kills Caesar, for what he believes to be the good of the people. Cassius, on the other hand, almost seems…show more content…
Throughout the whole play, it was very obvious how seriously the Romans looked to omens, but whenever it came to forbidding omens and ominous warnings, they were ignorantly overlooked. Caesar ignores Calphurnia’s dream of his death, the soothsayer’s multiple warnings, and the omen of the sacrificial animal who has no heart. The way he ignores these warnings makes him seem foolish and arrogant, as if he believes he’s invincible. That belief eventually gets him killed. Along with ominous omens getting ignored, they also get misinterpreted time and time again. Although Calphurnia’s interpretation of her dream is correct, Caesar immediately chooses to believe Decius when he gives Caesar a more positive interpretation of the dream. Other bad omens include the appearance of Caesar’s ghost, the horrible weather the night of Caesar’s murder, and the eagles that are replaced by vultures at Cassius’ and Brutus’ camp. What frustrates me most about all of the ominous omens in the play is how their true meanings are always lost on most of the characters until it’s far too late for them to do anything about it. It almost reminds me of characters in horror movies that are so terribly oblivious to the events going on around them, and have no sense to do anything but hide in a closet and wait to be
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