How Does Julius Caesar Have Too Much Power

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About 2,000 years ago, a great man called Julius Caesar was the ruler of Rome. He ruled Rome well. He had great power, but after some time he wanted more. There were two Romans, Brutus and Cassius, who were worried about Caesar because they thought that he had too much power. Upon seeing Cassius, Caesar informed Antony, his best friend, that he would rather be surrounded by men who were fat and happy than thin men like Cassius. He was worried that Cassius was dangerous because he "thought too much”. Antony told him not to worry about Cassius. Meanwhile, Brutus and Cassius met and talked about how much power Caesar had gained. Cassius informed Brutus that he was forming a plot against Caesar and wanted Brutus to join it. Brutus told him he couldn’t commit to anything immediately. That night, Rome was plagued with violent weather and a variety of bad omens, or a sign of what is going to happen in the future. Brutus found letters in his house apparently written by Roman citizens worried that Caesar had become too powerful. In fact, the letters had been written by Cassius, who knew that if Brutus believed it was the people’s will, he would support a plot to remove Caesar from power. He…show more content…
He ruled Rome well. He had great power, but after some time he wanted more. There were two Romans, Brutus and Cassius, who were worried about Caesar because they thought that he had too much power. Upon seeing Cassius, Caesar informed Antony, his best friend, that he would rather be surrounded by men who were fat and happy than thin men like Cassius. He was worried that Cassius was dangerous because he "thought too much”. Antony told him not to worry about Cassius. Meanwhile, Brutus and Cassius met and talked about how much power Caesar had gained. Cassius informed Brutus that he was forming a plot against Caesar and wanted Brutus to join it. Brutus told him he couldn’t commit to anything

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