Figurative Language In Julius Caesar

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“Et tu, Brute?” and William Shakespeare composed one of the most remarkable lines in all of literary and stage history. Uttered as the last words of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, directed at one of his many assassins, previously a trusted friend, the line conveys utter heartbreak and betrayal. However these were not originally Shakespeare’s words, rather his adaptation. Suetonius recorded Julius Caesar’s shocking last words as, “What! Art thou, too, one of them? Thou, my son!” Possibly Caesar’s testament is even more poignant, elucidating a painfully intimate connection. The Tragedy of Julius Caesar has been repeatedly performed and read for around 419 years , and today Shakespeare’s representation dominates the cultural comprehension of…show more content…
Suit the action to the word, and the word to the action, with this special observance, that you o’erstep not the modesty of nature. For anything so overdone is from the purpose of playing, whose end, both at the first and now, was and is, to hold as ‘twere, the mirror up to nature, to show virtue her feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure. Always ambiguous, it is difficult to determine what specific natural truths Shakespeare intended to reveal with Julius Caesar. Yet the play was likely performed for the first time 1598-1600 and is believed to be the first play to be performed in Shakespeare’s The Globe Theater. Likewise it was performed near the end of Elizabeth I’s reign. The last of Tudor monarch’s had surpassed the typical life-expectancy of the era by many years, her eminent death was soon expected, and she had produced no heir to assume the throne. The fact that a nation left suddenly without a certain leadership planned could result in violence and vulnerability was an applicable theme to contemporary Caesar audiences. Additionally Julius Caesar offers several characters with very real and relevant human virtues and

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