How Does Mark Antony Use Ethos In Julius Caesar

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Julius Caesar, a play written by William Shakespeare portrays the death of the infamous hero of Rome—Julius Caesar. Starting from his return from defeating Pompey, Caesar undergoes a series of bad omens which inevitably leads to his death. The most important being a conspiracy against Caesar himself, involving his most trustworthy friend and possibly the well-respected people of Rome. The omen that started it all, was a warning from a soothsayer, telling to take caution on the Ides of March (March 15). However, Caesar didn’t pay attention to the threat and managed to make it to the steps of the Senate house, where he was confronted by his conspirators. After the murder, Mark Antony—his chief general—made a speech speaking of Caesar’s nobility, and expressing the fault of the conspirators.…show more content…
This use could be better described to illustrate the idea that everything that the people had thought of Caesar must have been incorrect as expressed by Brutus—his long friend, and a respected man. Mark Antony retort’s to Brutus’ speech—In which he stated his reason for conspiring against and slaughtering Caesar—by going on to portray what Caesar had done in his time. Antony brings up a moment in which, “When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept” (III.ii.100). This shows how Mark Antony appeals to the crowd by tapping into their emotion of sympathy felt for Caesar for many could relate to this. Not only did it brought out the emotion of sympathy, but it also introduced the emotion of blame that was addressed to Brutus and his conspirators because no one would dare slaughter a ruler that would cry as when his people

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