Omens In Julius Caesar Research Paper

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Omen- anything perceived or happening that is believed to portend a good or evil event or circumstance in the future; portent ( Weather, nightmares, fortune tellers, anything that is perceived to foreshadow either a good or an evil event that is to happen in the future all are examples of omens. Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar contains four different examples of omens. The omens used were, soothsayers (15), animal sacrifices (71), nightmares (71), and weather (71). Many people believe that omens can change fate. If Omens in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar would have been acknowledged would have the outcome changed? In Act one Scene one after returning home from war Caesar is stopped in the town square by a soothsayer and told, “Beware the ides of March!” (15). According to a soothsayer is a person who professes to foretell events. Caesar acknowledges what the man has to say, but does not take it seriously (15). He plays it off as if it was some sort of joke, nothing to be concerned about. Brutus over heard the soothsayer telling Caesar this message. This…show more content…
Calpurnia was young, beautiful, and extremely smart. She was awoken by terrible nightmares about Caesars death (71). Her screams of terror woke up Caesar, whom of course was concerned about his wife’s distress, but once again played it off once again as if it was nothing to be concerned about (71). This sparked a heated conversation full of love and concern between the beloved couple. Calpurnia begs Caesar not to leave the house (73). Caesar replies to her desperate pleas with “What can be avoided whose end is purposed by the mighty gods? Yet Caesar shall go forth, for these predictions are to the world in general as to Caesar (73).” Calpurnia’s nightmares had a greater effect on Caesar than the soothsayer’s warnings. Provided Caesar growing concerns about Calpurnia’s well-being leads us into our third

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