Examples Of Hypocrisy In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Hypocrisy In The Novel Hypocrisy, the claim of having moral and religious belief, but not practicing what you believe. When you hear of To Kill A MockingBird you think of racism but, the entire novel, its To Kill A Mockingbird revolves around hypocrisy. By the end of To Kill A Mockingbird, you see there are many other themes. Hypocrisy, being the one that contorts the characters' lives and their community. You will see hypocrisy in the women of Maycomb. Miss.Gates, Mrs.Dubose and Mrs.Merriweather are three people who fail to see fault in themselves this causing them to display hypocrisy thought out the novel Hypocrisy is displayed in To Kill A Mockingbird in the very being of the novel to the very end of the novel. But, it
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