Supernatural In Julius Caesar 'And' A Midsummer Night's Dream

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In William Shakespeare’s, Julius Caesar and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the supernatural plays a recurring aspect throughout both plays, however the supernatural plays different integral parts in each play and are expressed in different ways too. In Julius Caesar, there are several references of the supernatural: the soothsayer, Calpurnia’s nightmares, Ides of March, and Caesar’s ghost. The soothsayer warns Caesar in the beginning of the play to “Beware the Ides of March” and again warns Caesar the day before Caesar’s killing, March 15th. Each time Caesar pays no attention to the Soothsayer thinking “he is a dreamer” and simply “pass[es]” him. The soothsayer, a “supernatural-esque”figure who can foresee the future warns Caesar of what is to come to but Caesar’s beliefs and arrogance blind him, eventually leading to his downfall.…show more content…
Calpurnia tries everything to stop Caesar from going to the senate even “begg[ing] that [Caesar] stay at home”. Calpurnia’s dreams foreshadow Caesar’s death down to the exact details: the Senators stabbing Caesar to death with bloody hands. After these frightening omens from Calpurnia, Caesar thinks about not going until Decius manipulates Caesar and tells Caesar that “[Calpurnia’s] dream is all amiss interpreted [and]... Your statue spouting blood… Signifies that from you great Rome shall [thrive]” and that “ the senate [has] concluded to give… a crown to

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