Self-Esteem And Criminal Behavior Analysis

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Self-esteem, according to psychological researchers, greatly impacts the health, economic prospects and criminal behavior of an individual (Trzesniewski, 2006). In adolescents, low self-esteem causes more physical debilitation and adolescent depression (Trzesniewski, 2006). During the academic years, students with low self-esteem are less likely to pursue education at a four year university and subsequently face increased financial and work problems as adults (Trzesniewski, 2006). These constraints on education and financial wealth decrease the potential for prosperity. This economic frustration and poor self-perception have the ability to dissolve into deviant behavior. Researchers concluded that low self-esteem in adolescents increased 1.48 times in the likelihood of violent crime conviction during adulthood; being convicted of any crime increased by 1.32 times (Trzesniewski, 2006). Hyperactivity, another behavior observed during childhood, can be linked to criminal propensities (Babinski, 1998). Researchers explain that several studies have concluded “…children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are at higher risk for criminal involvement as compared to nonbehaviorally disordered groups” (Babinski, 1998). In a 1998 study, behavioral signals such…show more content…
Interaction with a person exhibiting such behavior could create an environment of significant negativity, potentially limiting the amount of interactions as a whole. These psychopathic features result in an antisocial, anti-establishment viewpoint that leaves the individual with no visceral intuition of wrongdoing. The emphasis of the ego compiled with apathy toward consequences leave the individual susceptible to self-fulfilling yet deviant

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