Essay On Horse Jumping

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There is a high level debate these days about the “best” jumping position. For over last thirty years, now, it has been ordinary for riders in the hunters, equitation divisions, and even the jumpers to support a position in which they incline their upper body and abdominal area well forward onto the horse's neck. Watson, (1989), Cronin, (2004), Moghaddam & Khosravi, (2008), Fedrizzi, (2015), Local Riding, (2015) and Soutter (2015) illustrated the most common explanation for the jumping position. In which the rider allows a better release of the horse’s mouth. The horse's center of gravity is somewhat variable relying upon it’s built, however is ordinarily a bit behind or and the elbow. Horses carry 60% of their weight on their front legs,…show more content…
The horses combined with the raised head and neck, often quite sharply, to aid in the balancing gesture. One front foot touches down first, starting the landing phase, the non-leading leg lands first, followed very quickly by the leading leg. The hind legs land one at a time, and the regular mechanics of the gait resume. The jumping athlete should note how vulnerable the horse’s back is in the landing phase and how important it is for the rider to have a nonabusive position united with the movement of the horse. Again the rider, weighted with spring in the stirrup through the ankle, will have much less chance of banging the back, which, in addition to causing pain to the horse, will affect the horse’s jumping effort. Failure to follow this last point often causes a horse to “scoot” after landing. It should be noted that over smaller fences the landing has started while the hind legs are folding their tightest over the top of the fence. After landing, the normal mechanics of the gait instantly resume in the departure from the jump. Both front legs actually push upwards and backwards to counteract the force of the body coming over. If they did not do this, the horse would somersault over the front end. The hind legs rotate forward, and the front end needs to get out of the way as the hind feet

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