Justice And Justice In The Eloquent Peasant

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Human rights are widely studied in intellectual perspectives rooted in the law, philosophy, international relations, and political science (Hunt, 2008). The approaches provide insight into the historical background of human rights by focusing on the emergence of eh concept as well as its implementation. In this case, history of human rights delves into the development of its moral ideas, legal doctrines, and political institutions (Ishay, 2008). Human rights emerged through a struggle, as a concept based on human relationships. A document titled Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which compiled by the UN in 1948, following the events of World War II, it has informed contemporary human rights discussions across the globe (Ishay, 2008).…show more content…
Ideally, it illustrates the way ancient Egyptian law and justice applied to powerful and weak members of the society. The Ma’at principle that is closely linked to the tale is concerned with justice’s true nature. Research indicates that The Eloquent Peasant equates justice to ending peasant’s tribulations. It further suggests that justice should be available to both the rich and the poor members of the society. Additionally, it suggests that the law is a natural force like river Nile’s current and it implies that judges have a responsibility to control that force (Hunt, 2008). The rise of faith in the First millennium A.D. can also be linked to the emergence of human right concepts. New Testament’s “Sermon on the Mount” is a key religious text in the Western tradition. The Ten Commandments also strived to promote moral equality and virtue among humans (Ishay, 2008). Quran’s 114 Surahs that originated in the 17th century espouse the idea of religious tolerance in human rights history. Furthermore, various faiths such as Judaism, Islam, and Christianity promote tolerance, justice, and lay the foundations for basic modern human rights principles (Ishay,…show more content…
However, the truth is the process of formulating human rights entailed reservations from groups and individuals who opposed human rights as a Western idea. In fact, research indicates that progressive thinkers, such as Mahatma Gandhi and Hannah Arendt, rejected the basic elements of the human right concept based on individual reasons (Ishay, 2008). Various cultures such as the Eastern and Middle Eastern cultures have their traditions that define human relationships. For example, the Confucius principles in Asian countries such as China as well as the Islamic laws and teachings guide the way people relate to one another in the Middle Eastern and Arab countries (Ishay,

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