Freedom Of The Press In Malaysia

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Freedom of the press can be characterized as immunity of the communications media (newspapers, books, magazines, radio, and television) from government control or censorship. One of the landmarks of a democratic government is the recognition of the right of expression, and in turn, the right to affirm or dissent in public. However, it is acknowledged that this freedom is not absolute. In situations when the press may create a clearly dangerous environment, the government has a right or duty to protect the people. This ‘threat’ of dangerous environments is different to each government unfortunately and under the Malaysian government, it is better to eliminate any possibility of this threat being actualized by suppressing most of the right to…show more content…
Among the provisions of the PPPA includes making the publication of ‘malicious news’ a punishable offense and prohibiting any challenges to the court over suspension or revocation of publication permits . This kind of government discretionary power, which in fact has no limit or any sort of check-and-balance backup from the judiciary, created an inhibitive atmosphere among the public and the press. Independent and investigative journalism has all but ceased in fear of prosecution. And yet, the government stands by their decision in suppressing the freedom of the press by insisting it is to preserve peace and harmony in this multiracial…show more content…
The vast majority of journalists, editors, commentators and politicians accept the existing conditions, even as they fall victim to their restrictions and absurdities . This culture of self-censorship in the press instills fear in the media actors, journalists, publishers and the like, which significantly lowers the number of unbiased reports published to the public, almost to the point of non-existence. Only officially sanctioned viewpoints are aired, and little space is given to marginalized groups and communities. Dissenting parties have little or no access to the broadcast media and limited access to print media. Legislation is restrictive, with licenses being awarded by the relevant Ministers . 2.3 Definition of a Civil and Political Discourse Analysis Civil discourse is engagement in conversation intended to enhance understanding . Political discourse is identified by its actors; politicians, and its intended recipients; the people, and defined as the communication which is affected by and effects both. These types of discourses are most relatable to us in the public sphere as they directly control the outcome of our acceptance and reactions to what happens in society, such as enactment of legislations, public policies and our inherent cultural and social behavior in relation to each

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