Critical Discourse Analysis

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Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is one of the most central concepts introduced in the subject " Introduction to Linguistics II", which draws attention to the relation between language and power and the ideologies underlying discourse. Thanks to CDA, people can enhance their awareness about power, social structure and equality. Therefore, by analyzing classroom discourses, which are readily accessible to students, not only do I gain increasingly accurate perception of CDA but I also can broaden my horizons in the field of cultural assumptions. These given reasons play fundamental role in driving me into choosing this topic for my final assignment. My essay would be divided into three chief parts listed as: large power distance between teachers…show more content…
As can be noticed from the data source, the students do call the teacher by her title only instead of using her first name as it is widely believed that calling teachers by their first name is very disrespectful and impolite. Therefore, when answering questions, all children always add " em thưa cô" ( yes, madam) before giving their responses and put some honorifics like "dạ", " vâng", " thưa", " ạ" ( Vietnamese cultural words used to illustrate the younger/lower status people 's polite and respectful attitude towards the older/ higher status ones and these expressions do not equivalence in English ). This kind of language use in Vietnamese classroom tend to make conversations between teachers and students more serious and formal and emphasize strongly the differences in power relation and status among…show more content…
Power relation between teachers and learners in other countries: Western and Eastern cultures illustrate a wide range of differences through every daily life dimensions and it would be a fundamental shortcoming if the difference in power relation between teachers and learners in these two culture is missed out. Traditionally, this relationship in almost Eastern countries has always been tense and under a strict management. The teachers are always respected in and out classroom. It means that some other cultures like China, Japan, Malaysia... bear remarkable resemblance to Vietnam's characteristics in term of social practices, learning style as I demonstrated above. For instance, Dr Chuah (2010) argues that Chinese students are very quiet and passive in classroom and unconfident in questioning what being taught until they have completely understood all aspects of

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