NHS Personal Statement

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I would like to be part of NHS not only because I’m positive that I fit into the scholarship, leadership, service, and character criteria, but because I’m certain that I would take advantage of this opportunity at the fullest and carry it with me from the time I graduate as a senior and officially become an adult. Throughout my educational career I’ve constantly had a strong enthusiasm and passion for learning about the different aspects of the world and how they shape my life as well as the life of others. In addition, my 3.9 average is an achievement that hasn’t come without its difficulties, but truly reflects the effort and discipline I put on my academic life. Additionally, I’ve had previous experience working effectively alongside individuals…show more content…
One of the aspects that made me feel more attracted towards NHS is its emphasis on service. Ever since I was a little girl, my family has educated me in such a way that I constantly help, in any way I can, those who are less fortunate than me. This is something that truly defines who I am as an individual and who I view the world. Knowing that I, in some way, made someone’s life a little better by carrying out a simple deed such as donating clothes, is something that gives me great pleasure and fills me with happiness. But most importantly, from the way I see it, it’s not just me the one who’s giving. Those individuals give me something so valuable that can’t be bought: learning. Through those people is how I truly appreciate what I have and the blessings that life has given me. Through them is how I obtain different perspectives on the world and society. Every time I’m part of a charitable activity, I take something different than the previous one. It’s always a new experience abundant with optimism and gratification and I’m grateful to be a part of

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