Electoral Administration Literature Review

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5. Literature Review 5.1 Conceptualizing Electoral Administration An election is expected to provide fairness amongst contesting parties, candidates and voters. Not only does electoral integrity strengthens institutional confidence but also brings satisfaction with the performance of exercised right to electe a leader through the voting system. Norris(2013) notes that established democracies are often thought to be free from more serious ‘first order’ problems but commonly do face problems with election administration and management. Electoral administration is defines in many ways by scholars. In this research it will subsume both structure and process involved in elections. Structure in this instance is the electoral management body responsible…show more content…
Most Electoral Management Bodies (EMBs) in developing countries are not nearly as independent, impartial or competent (Robert, 2007,p12). Robert (2007, p12) outlines five different models of ECs that can exits. This includes; i. Election Office within the government ii. Election Office within a government ministry but supervised by a judicial body iii. An independent election commission manned by experts and directly accountable to Parliament iv. A multiparty election commission composed of representatives of the political parties v. A non-partisan election commission composed of distinguished individuals from list a proposed by the president and legislature reduced by a veto by the political parties and selected by a group of judges for a ten year term. Kerr(2013,p9)notes that EMBs vary across countries, although the core functions and responsibility are similar. Some of the functions that EMBs may be involved include: i. Registering voters and candidates; ii. Training electoral staff; iii. Conducting voting…show more content…
The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) was established in 1996. Prior to the Constitutional Amendment Act 18 of 1996, the electoral commission and local government commissions respectively were organized as part time or ad hoc bodies responsible for the conduct and supervision of Zambia’s presidential, parliamentary and local elections(Rakner, 2007, p97). The Electoral Commission of Zambia is an independent and autonomous Electoral Management Body (EMB) responsible for spearheading, facilitating and supervising the electoral process of Zambia, in line with the country’s electoral system (ECZ, 2015). Article 79 (1996) of the Zambian constitution established the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) as the institution charged with the responsibility of implementing the provisions of the Electoral Act

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