Motor Learning In Physical Education

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This term in year 11 Physical Education (PE) our topic was to determine the many aspects of motor learning in conjunction with practical volleyball sessions, where we learnt the necessary skills needed to play volleyball. Motor learning is “a relatively permanent change, resulting from practice or a novel experience, in the capability for responding” (Amezdroz, Dickens, Hosford, Stewart & Davis, 2010). This essay will analyse my acquisition of the dig and the factors that had both negative and positive impacts on my learning. The dig is a gross motor skill, which means that it involves “movements of large parts of the body” (Amezdroz et al, 2010). The dig is also classified as an open skill as it is typically used and practiced in an unpredictable…show more content…
There are three stages of learning, the cognitive stage which is where you learn the skill and are still a beginner, making a large number of mistakes. The associative stage in which learners have a clear understanding of the skill and make fewer mistakes and are able to recognise when a mistake has been made. The third stage is the autonomous stage in which the skill is performed automatically with little to no errors, this is usually characterised as the Olympian level (Amezdroz et al, 2010). I believe that I am at the associative stage because I have improved my skill and I am able to recognise when I have completed the skill incorrectly and can reflect on the error to try and improve the skill next time that I use it. My performance in volleyball in relation to the dig is average, as I am neither perfect at the skill nor terrible at it. I am willing to dive for the ball and am mostly prepared for the ball if it approaches me. I have not had any previous experience playing volleyball; however, I have had some positive and negative transfers of learning from previous sports. The positive transfer of learning that I have had has drawn from the AFL pass and transferring it to the underarm serve. The negative transfer of learning that I have had has been from soccer and trying to head-butt the ball whenever it comes near my…show more content…
Massed practice is a type of practice where a skill is practiced continuously; distributed practice is a type of practice that is short with frequent and short breaks (Amezdroz et al, 2010). Whole and part practice are two types of practice, whole practice is “the learning of a skill in its entirety” (Amezdroz et al, 2010), and part practice is “the learning of each of the separate components of a skill” (Amezdroz et al, 2010). Random practice is where it is a mix up of different skills throughout a practice session (Amezdroz et al, 2010).Varied practice is practicing a skill using different variations during a single practice session (Amezdroz et al, 2010). Throughout the term, we used massed practice when beginning to learn the volleyball skills, along with whole and part practice to break down the skills to help our understanding. We used distributed practice when paying volleyball matches and having breaks in between swap-overs, we also used varied and random practice when playing the ‘keep it up’ game as well as in matches as you had to think of where to hit the ball and how much power to put into the hit and trying to use the dig, set and spike

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