Hospital Chapel Case Study

1471 Words6 Pages
CONSIDERED. This study focused on hospital chapel. It will give insights about spiritual health of a person. The paper will also discuss how a spiritual health affects a person and how it will contribute to the society. Patient, relatives, or even health care providers go to hospital chapels and have different prayers. The aim of this paper is to know where the relatives, patients or even health care providers go if there is no chapel inside the hospital and they need to talk to God. This study intended to enlighten the people that to be healthy is to be holistically whole, healthy in physical, psychological, emotional, social and spiritual. Spiritual health or well-being, according to WHO (Dhar, , Chaturvedi, & Nandan, 2013) is considered…show more content…
Most of the respondents answered that the content of their prayer is about family, self, health and guidance. Others also answered that academics, career and financial help are included in their prayers. "Surveys indicate that nearly 90% of patients with serious illness will engage in prayer for the alleviation of their suffering or disease" according to Dr. Wayne Jonas. Prayer is the single most widely-practiced healing modality among all the complimentary medicine. Prayer is the second most common method of pain management, and the most common non-drug method of pain management according to the research study conducted by Dr. Christina Puchalski (Puchalski C. , 2004). According to (, 2012), pray as long as how you can keep focused and not being distracted and pray according to the desire God gives you. 50% of the respondents spent 5 minutes in praying while others spent 1 minute or less than a minute. When asked where they will go if there is no chapel inside the hospital, most answered that to the nearest church. Church is where people used for public worship. But having no church or chapel is not a hindrance for people to talk to God. As long as they believe in God and they have a relationship with God, self and other people. And in the last question, when they asked to describe they relationship with God, every respondent has different way in describing their relationship with God. Personal relationship with God begins in trusting God as our Savior and

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