Mormonism As A Religion

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Mormonism Mormonism is a fairly young religion but astoundingly has approximately 15 million member worldwide (Rasenbush 2015). Mormonisms captivating history and background can help to illuminate a further understanding into this unique religion. The religious beliefs of Mormons stem from Christianity but they have put a very distinctive spin on Christianity’s principle beliefs. It is also through their practice, rituals and religious symbols that one can see the contrast between Mormonism and other religions. This report will be an examination of Mormonism and its role within society as a religion. History and Background of Mormonism It all started in April of 1830 when Joseph Smith received a revelation from the angel named Moroni,…show more content…
However, according to LDS, the church no longer recognizes the practice of polygamy. Polygamy, the practice of having more than one wife, was most commonly practiced in the earlier days of the church, but is now not as prominent with the Mormon population because of the modernization of Mormonism with regards to gender equality. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, there are 30 000 Mormons who currently practice polygamy (2015). In addition, Mormons maintain the belief that life on earth, is just a temporary state where people will be tried and tested (Mormonism 2014). Furthermore, Joseph Smith taught in the 1840s, that God used to be a man. This concept of man becoming Godlike or modern-day prophets, has lead to many controversies. As in any religion, messages from the traditional scriptures can be misinterpreted and used for purposes that in the eyes of society are unjust. But, with the western world’s knowledge about the history of Mormonism, it only seems natural to create stereotypes about the religion. In terms of afterlife and salvation, followers believe that it comes in a process involving multiple stages. Each stage associates the placement of a human spirit into a kingdom and the life and level of glory one is to live out in each of these kingdoms. Mormonism states that “these kingdoms show the difference between ‘exaltation’ and salvation’” (2015). The three principle beliefs of mormonism are that Jesus Christ is the saviour of the world and son of God, that Christ’s atonement allows mankind to be saved from their sins, and that the Mormon religion is Christ's original church, but restored into modern times (What is Mormonism? 2015). From a Christian perspective, Mormonism may share some similarities in terms of religious beliefs, but it is the practices, rituals and symbols of Mormonism that really set it apart from other religions in
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