Pros And Cons Of Incrementalism

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Incrementalism is the concept of changing things gradually over time. This model of governance is used not only by the public sector but also the private sector. Incrementalism is also has some shared characteristics with gradualism, reformism, which are implemented similarly to incrementalism. The benefits and downsides of incrementalism explain why so many people prefer this model of government, and why so many dislike it as well The idea of incrementalism is gradual change over a long period of time, instead of rationalism. This governance model creates a less likely hood of backlash, from an abrupt decision, made to calm the publics’ demands. A main pro of incrementalism is the fact that it brings stability, with abrupt decisions there…show more content…
The incremental model can often brew stronger feelings and more irrational actions by citizens frustrated that the government is not listening to their voices. In fact progressive ideology is often criticized to be held back by incrementalism, as it gives to fears that things may actually never change. Such is the case in fact for same-sex marriage, incrementalism was both a disadvantage and an advantage in this policy change. It was considered to be a disadvantage, because there were several states that had not made a single attempt to address this issue, and had stated they would never legalize same-sex marriage. Incrementalism would have taken decades to have red states, such as Texas legalize same-sex marriage. Not only does incrementalism not promote social justice, it is also not well thought out. When choosing gradual change, there is usually no set plan, of how new policy will be introduced. This often leads to policy changes falling through the cracks, as there is no predetermined next step for the policy. This leads to idleness which leads to further cries from the public for justice, that fell through the cracks due to incrementalism and its lack of planning. These disadvantages are closely associated with segregation in the 1960s. The courts of that time chose incrementalism and ruled that separate was not equal, however it would be years before schools were actually integrated. The choice of incrementalism was shown to be perhaps the most ineffective at this point in

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