Celia Behind Me By Isabel Huggan

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Psychological realism often reflected in many stories by character’s and style of narration in the story. Psychological realism means understanding character’s mentality and thoughts about someone, which helps to optimize little things and its meaning describe by character in the story. “Celia Behind Me” by Isabel Huggan has main character name Celia, a diabetic child who hated by her fellow friends and classmates. The narrator of the story is Elizabeth, who relieves her thoughts about Celia and her feelings reflect toward the psychological realism. Celia has become a victim of bullying and thoughts of Elizabeth about Celia are very disturbing for readers. Elizabeth describe her past incidents and time she spent with Celia. The way she describes her thoughts about Celia and how Celia became most hateful thing her life gives an idea about immature child’s…show more content…
She is very emotional and easily get jealous. She is jealous of the fact that Celia getting so much attention then her even though Celia is chubby and diabetic child. When Elizabeth’s mother said to her “You must be nice to Celia, She won’t live forever” (307). It seem unfair situation for Elizabeth. She believe that everyone will die sooner or later, it doesn’t mean that she has to nice with everyone or everyone should be nice to with her. Elizabeth was also given a nickname ‘Sucky’ because she used to suck her thumb in kindergarten. It has become very difficult for Elizabeth to sustain her place among the group of girls. Elizabeth explain everything as first person’s thought with examples which she compare with incidents. For instance, she compare Celia’s head to watermelon as fruitlike, rosy and vulnerable. As Celia seemed to her. Thought of Elizabeth and her personal perspectives about different situations reflects toward the psychological

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