Montgomery Bus Boycott Analysis

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Michael Rivas Henderson CRW 19/March/2018 Montgomery Bus Boycott Rough Draft The Montgomery Bus Boycott was an important role of why all of the people of today all have the same rights as one another and there is no higher virtue to not just one victim but both of the victims. This event was definitely significant to where equality is today and it is the reason of why we all have equal rights as humans. At the time of this event there was a lot of segregation and people of the black community wanted integration so this was the first step to gaining the rights that they deserve as humans. From this event in history occuring there were many activists who wanted to have movements and stand up against the white community due to their upper power.…show more content…
“Remember we are fighting for a cause do not ride the bus today.” (“Montgomery Bus Boycott Documentary.” Montgomery Bus Boycott Documentary, shipz227, 9 May 2010, This quote was on the sign of one of the many protestants that were trying to obtain equal rights and justice for all. As I said it started out when Rosa Parks a Civil Rights activist was arrested for the refusal of giving up her seat to one of the white passengers on the bus who did not have a seat and a law claimed that if a white American does not have a seat on a bus they must take the seat of an African American and she was tired of being treated like she doesn’t matter as did the rest of the African Americans or slaves from the society of Montgomery, Alabama ( Staff. “Montgomery Bus Boycott.”, 2010, With her arrest she impacted many people of the African Americans and they decided to join her on the road to a goal of where they would have equal rights and equality and about 70% of the society joined her on the road and the movement that they planned and became beneficial had an 90% to people of the white community (NPR. “Civil Rights Icon Rosa Parks Dies.” NPS, National Park, 25 Oct. 2005,…show more content…
“Parks was arrested at a time in American history when, under Jim Crow laws, African Americans faced discrimination and segregation across the South. Jim Crow bus laws in Montgomery at the time of Parks’ arrest established a section for whites at the front of the bus, and a section for the blacks in the back. The law required that when the white section filled, black passengers in the “colored section” give up their seats and move further back.” (Recchiuti, John Louis. The Montgomery Bus Boycott. This quote explains what the “Jim Crow” laws were and this was probably why the African Americans wanted to stand and fight for the rights that they deserve because they are being ruled over by a power that is unreasonable and inequal. There was a teenager named “Claudette Colvin” and on March 5, 1955 she thought that giving up a seat to the white folk was not fair and not human-like and what
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