Browder Vs. Gayle Case

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The Montgomery bus boycott now stands as a turning point of the modern world. As a catalyst for movements of peace and equality, it led the world into a period of antidiscrimination and saw the upbringing of many political and social leaders including the likes of Martin Luther King Jr. This world changing event questioned the attitudes of the people and the laws that confined them, eventuating with the “Browder vs Gayle” case at which segregation on buses was deemed unconstitutional. This world renowned event initiated direct action from the black community and saw an increase in support for the cause. The Bus Boycott started on the 5th December 1955, as an effort by the black population of Montgomery to non-violently protest the unlawful…show more content…
This famous case, named the ‘Browder vs Gayle’ case, Gayle, being the mayor of Montgomery, concluded with the judges stating that “the enforced segregation of black and white passengers on motor buses operating in the City of Montgomery violated the Constitution and laws of the United States," claiming it deprived people of their equal protection under the fourteenth amendment. Although the segregation of the buses was not deemed constitutional, it continued until 13th November, 1956, when it was put forward to the US Supreme Court, where they upheld the district court’s ruling. Finally the bus of Montgomery and the rest of America were officially desegregated. This 13 month long campaign saw many victories for the black communities of Montgomery and the entire nation. One of which was the uprising of many important figures of the civil rights movement. Before the Boycott Martin Luther King Jr, was an unknown local pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church, however he dreamed of changed, and so he joined the cause. His lack of fame at the time was the reason King was nominated as president of the MIA, as he stood a neutral ground with the political side of the campaign, not having any allies or enemies at the

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