How Is Martin Luther King Responsible For The Civil Rights Movement

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Memphis by conducting the second march of the sanitation workers. The strike lasted approximately sixty-four days and it became one of the major civil rights events, with his support. The sanitation workers wanted an end to discrimination, higher wages, and recognition from a union. This attracted many media outlets and many joined to support this cause, like community leaders and members of the clergy. Finally, the strike came to an end on April 12, 1968, and the Memphis agreed to worker demands. Another event that had a larger relative impact, compared to the worker strike, would be the Montgomery Bus Boycott, of 1955-56. Specifically, in Montgomery, Alabama, King instructed a boycott against city busses that refused to let blacks sit in the front seats of busses. His support attracted much attention to the cause and many supporters, even outside of the area, assisted in pressuring bus companies all over the South to take a close look at their rules, and eventually change them to support King’s vision of progressing the Civil Rights…show more content…
Those were The Civil Rights Act of 1964, effectively ending legal segregation and discrimination along with The Voting Rights Act of 1965 ensuring the right to vote for Blacks. His triumphs in these two areas impacted United States and world history (Your Dictionary). Although, King did not put any effort into fighting international civil rights inequalities, his triumphs within the United States, were used as inspiration for those who were involved in international racial injustice. “By 1964 the United Nations' membership had doubled from its 1945 levels…75% of these new members were from developing countries who were committed to combating racial injustice based on the struggles of Martin Luther King in the U.S. and the racial persecution in South Africa.” (Your
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