St Jerome's Letter To Aquileia

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There were many historical documents that have been left behind by some of the greatest minds. Saint Jerome wrote numerous letters to his counterparts, but one of high interest was a letter he wrote to Agenuchia. The main focus of the letter was Jerome mourning the fate of what he perceived the proud and powerful empire, Rome. The letter happened to be written during an important event: The Visigoths had come to make an agreement that included a huge ransom that ended their siege of Rome. In this particular letter it is very obvious to identify the author and his biasness towards Rome. The author of this letter, Saint Jerome, played a vital role in history. He was born in Rome around the year 340, and lived until about 420. Jerome was a major theologian and scriptural scholar. According to an article, despite being around pagan influences, he was baptized by Pope Liberius in the year 360.1 Although he was born and raised in Rome, Jerome found himself leaving the great city and moving…show more content…
He had seen the Roman Empire during some of its greatest moments. He actually decided to spend some time in Aquileia, one of the most significant and prosperous Roman cities, to pursue his scholarly studies. Within the text, he refers the invading nations as “most savage”, and “hostile”. It is apparent the invading barbarian nations are looked down upon. However, in his letter when he is describing Rome, he does it with much feeling and enthusiasm. He refers to Rome as “so noble a city”, as well as “that powerful city”. Rome in other words was the mother country for many, and to see it torn to the ground was unthinkable for most at that time. Jerome also reveals his personal feelings upon hearing about Rome being taken by stating “I cannot speak without tears”. To see the great city be “depopulated”, and “hunger ravages within”. After being born and raised in Rome, it is easy to see why Jerome talks about it with such

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