Tokugawa Ieyasu Research Paper

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Tokugawa Ieyasu was a very important person in Japan. He has been one of the most significant figures in Japanese history. He was a warrior, statesman and founder of the Tokugawa dynasty of shoguns or Edo period. The Tokugawa shogunate or the military government of Tokugawa ruled effectively over Japan from the Battle of Sekigahara 1600 until the Meiji restoration in 1867. He was born on January 31st, 1543 in Okazaki Castle, Mikawa. His father name was Matsudaira Hirotada who was the lord of the province of Mikawa. When he was born, there was a civil war going on in Japan which had lasted for nearly a hundred years. The province of Macawa where his father ruled was invaded by Oda clan. In 1548, when Ieyasu was four, he was sent as a…show more content…
His family name became “Tokugawa” and his first name became “Ieyasu”. He was now well know for Tokugawa Ieyasu. He gained a good military reputation and acquired more territory. He was sent to govern lands by Hideyoshi in 1582. Later on, in 1600 he managed to defeat the Western Army. As a result he was rewarded a title of Shogun by Emperoe Go-Yozei in 1603. He established his government in Edo where is now Tokyo. Japen was now officially united under his tight control. He was a good shogun because he worked very hard for the country. He restored stability for Japan and so many other things. He eventually died on April 17th, 1616. However, The Tokugawa shoguns continued to ruled Japan for the next 250 years. Ieyasu supported trading with foreign countries. He allowed Japanese to trade with the English and the Dutch. Japan, however, in 1633 after Ieyasu’s death, was forbidden travelling and trading with foreign countries by shogun Iemitsu. The country was now isolated as a result of reducing contracts and trade from the outside world. It is because Japan was afraid of Western’s influence. Additionally, all of foreign books were banned completely until the cancellation broke out in

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